The numbers on a pair of binoculars refer to the magnification and the size of the objective lenses.

The first number is the magnification, which indicates how much an object is magnified when viewed through the binoculars. For example, a pair of binoculars with a magnification of 8 will make an object appear 8 times closer than it would if viewed with the naked eye.

The second number is the size of the objective lenses, measured in millimeters. The size of the objective lenses determines how much light the binoculars can gather, which affects the brightness and clarity of the image. A larger objective lens size will generally result in a brighter and clearer image, but it can also make the binoculars heavier and more difficult to hold steady.


Magnification is an important factor to consider when choosing a pair of binoculars. It determines how much an object is magnified when viewed through the binoculars, and is indicated by the first number in the binoculars’ specification. For example, a pair of binoculars with a magnification of 8 will make an object appear 8 times closer than it would if viewed with the naked eye.

The higher the magnification, the more detail you will be able to see, but it can also make it more difficult to keep the image steady. This is because the higher the magnification, the more sensitive the image is to movement. As a result, higher magnification binoculars are generally more difficult to hold steady, especially if you have shaky hands or are viewing from a moving platform such as a boat or vehicle.

Objective Lens Size

The size of the objective lens is an important factor to consider when choosing a pair of binoculars. It is indicated by the second number in the binoculars’ specification, and it refers to the diameter of the objective lenses in millimeters. The objective lenses are the lenses located at the front of the binoculars, and their primary function is to gather light and form an image of the object being viewed.

A larger objective lens size will generally result in a brighter and clearer image, since it allows the binoculars to gather more light. This is especially important in low light conditions, such as early morning or late evening, when there is less light available. However, it’s important to balance the size of the objective lenses with the other factors that affect image quality, such as the quality of the eyepieces and the overall construction of the binoculars.

These are only two of the factors you should take into consideration when shopping around for binoculars. Here are other factors that influence the binoculars buying decision.

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